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Embracing Innovation and Collaboration as Governor-Elect: Insights from Club Visits

As the 2023-24 Governor-elect of the South Carolina Optimist district, I have had the immense pleasure of visiting several club meetings over the past few weeks. These visits have not only been a fantastic opportunity to connect with fellow Optimists, but they've also been incredibly enlightening. I have been inspired by the innovative ideas and best practices shared by different clubs, which are helping to enhance our operations and outreach efforts across the district.

Innovative Ideas from Rock Hill Central City Optimist Club

During my visit to the Rock Hill Central City Optimist Club, I learned two particularly noteworthy tips that I believe can benefit all our clubs:

1. Laminated Agendas with the Optimist Creed: The Rock Hill Central City Optimist Club has adopted the practice of printing a generic meeting agenda with the Optimist Creed on the back. By laminating these agendas, they significantly cut down on printing costs and waste. This solution not only meets the needs of members who prefer a paper copy but also ensures that the inspirational Optimist Creed is always at hand during meetings.

2. QR Codes for Quick Reference: Another innovative idea from the Rock Hill Central City Optimist Club is the use of a single page of QR codes for quick reference to important information. This includes links to the club's schedule of events, the Optimist International Foundation, and The Optimist Institute. This simple yet effective tool helps members stay informed and connected with just a quick scan from their smartphones.

Spartanburg Breakfast Club’s Fundraising Strategy

In Spartanburg, the Spartanburg Breakfast Club is setting an excellent example with their strategic approach to fundraising. Their committee chair for the Strut for Kids Fun Run fundraiser has taken a proactive step by asking each member to secure a commitment from a local business to sponsor the event. This targeted approach not only spreads the responsibility across the club but also maximizes community involvement and support, ensuring the event's success.

Learning and Fun at Conferences and Conventions

These are just a few examples of the great ideas being implemented by our clubs. Attending club meetings, conferences, and conventions is a fantastic way for members to learn about these innovative practices and bring them back to their own clubs. Moreover, these events are not just about learning; they are also about building camaraderie and having fun.

Registration is now open for our 4th quarter convention in Camden, SC, scheduled for August 9-11. This convention will be a wonderful opportunity to gather, share ideas, and celebrate our collective achievements. I encourage all members to register and join us for what promises to be an enriching and enjoyable experience.

As we continue to strive towards our mission of bringing out the best in youth, in our communities, and in ourselves, I am confident that by sharing and implementing these tips and tricks, we can make an even greater impact. I look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming convention and continuing this journey of optimism and innovation together.

Yours in Optimism,

Bonnie Jean Sherbert

Governor-Elect, South Carolina Optimist District

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